Anti-corruption in Thailand Bangkok Networking Event Thailand

Reflecting growing public and regulatory pressures to combat corruption globally, BCCT is organizing a short, informal, exploratory meeting to consider how it may support current anti-corruption programmers in Thailand and whether it should undertake specific initiatives.

Discussion will focus on opportunities for action to support BCCT members rather than on statements or restatements of policy. First suggestions for sustainable programmers might include any or all of: confidential exchanges of experience; “how to respond” guides to potentially difficult situations; public or behind-the-scenes involvement in national-level or industry-level educational programmers aimed at raising awareness in Thailand of the benefits of clean business practice; and dialogue with the British government on practical ways in which it can support British businesses. The main objective of the meeting is to determine whether there is support in the membership for BCCT to engage in or mount some long-term programmers in this field, and if so what the starting elements might be.

A brief recap of the policy background will be offered at the start of the meeting. It includes British legislation on foreign corrupt practice, global conventions such as the OECD Convention on bribery, Thai frameworks such as those of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the Thai Institute of Directors and the FTI.

Date: 8 October, 2012 at 17:00-18:00 pm.

Location: Bangkok

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